Facemasks Still Required at Health Care Practices.
Please pardon any facemask confusion.
While Washington state lifted the requirement to wear a facemask in most public spaces, the state still requires that people visiting Health Care providers (such as our friendly dental practice) wear appropriate face coverings and maintain social distancing, regardless of their vaccination status.
Unless you are exempt from the mask wearing mandate because of medical reasons, or you have children younger than two, we must request that you, and anyone with you, wear a facemask during your visit with us.
We understand the confusion that these recent changes in facemask requirements may cause, but thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Our dental team is still working hard to ensure that everyone who visits our dental practice stays COVID safe – here’s how we keep everyone safe!
We look forward to seeing your smiling face soon!
P.S. If you haven’t made your appointment for a teeth cleaning and exam yet, please call us at (206) 524-1000 to schedule your appointment or contact us online!