There’s More to Veneers Than a Pretty Cover

veneers solve more than cosmetic dental issues

Looking for a cosmetic solution that’s minimally invasive?

What’s a minimally invasive dental treatment that can offer dramatic cosmetic results? Most people would think of teeth whitening – especially when it’s done professionally – but porcelain veneers are another option to transform a smile. They just aren’t as well-known, yet

veneers solve more than cosmetic dental issuesThese thin custom designed tooth colored casings that cover the front surface of your tooth can also offer much more than just a pretty facade. Veneers can correct quite a few aesthetic issues but they can also protect damaged teeth, and restore a tooth’s functionality.

They might not be as sought after as teeth whitening, but veneers are the unsung heroes of cosmetic dentistry. They really do offer a multifaceted dental solution to quite a few different dental problems. And it’s a minimally invasive procedure that’s usually completed in just two visits.

5 Ways Veneers Can Benefit Your Smile + Teeth!

  1. Protect Your Cracked Or Chipped Tooth – Have a cracked or chipped tooth? A porcelain veneer can help restore both the look and functionality of your tooth. Porcelain veneers can help minimize the pressure on the damaged tooth when you chew on it. This can also help stabilize the crack or chipped area, so that it doesn’t get worse. It will also cosmetically improve the tooth by covering up the damaged area. And because veneers will match the appearance of your surrounding teeth, no one will ever know you had a damaged tooth.
  2. Fill in Gaps & Spaces – Mind the gap? If you have any noticeable gaps between teeth that prevent you from smiling more, veneers can help fill in smaller to average gaps between your teeth, especially with front teeth. Veneers can be customized to a desired shape and color to seamlessly close the gap.
  3. Change the Shape of a Tooth – Is your tooth smaller, larger, or uneven compared to its neighboring teeth? Veneers can modify the shape of a tooth to alter its shape, size and color so that it matches your surrounding teeth.
  4. Hide Permanent Stains on Teeth – Our professional teeth whitening treatments work wonders. But there are some teeth stains that just can’t be fixed with teeth whitening. This includes white spots on teeth or teeth stained from silver, amalgam fillings. If you have permanent tooth stains that whitening can’t fix, veneers can help alter the color of that tooth.
  5. Reduce Teeth Sensitivity – If the enamel of your tooth wears down, this exposes the inner part of the tooth; the area where the nerve endings reside. This can result in tooth sensitivity (or even painful flashes) when you drink or eat something hot or cold. In many situations, porcelain veneers can reduce this sensitivity by covering up and protecting a tooth with enamel erosion. You can then get back to eating and drinking without discomfort, and your teeth will look great too.

Whether its to fix a dental issue or to beautify your smile, veneers can offer you a lot of versatility. They can improve the appearance of a tooth, reduce tooth discomfort or even prevent a damaged tooth from getting worse.

If you’d like to learn more about this versatile, minimally invasive option and how veneers can work for your dental needs, please schedule an appointment – Just give us a call at (206) 524-1000 or request an appointment here!

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