8 Ways to Keep Your Kids Cavity Free

we keep kids cavity free

What’s the number 1 childhood disease out there? Hint: It’s not selective hearing.

we keep kids cavity free According to the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation, tooth decay is the number 1 childhood disease. It’s five times more common than asthma. And it’s on the rise for kids.

Recent studies show that over 40% of children will have tooth decay by the time they enter kindergarten. And 21% of kids between 6 to 11 already have cavities to their permanent teeth.

So, what’s a kid supposed to do? Luckily most dental diseases are preventable, but it takes a little effort and mindfulness. Here are 7 ways for kids, and their beleaguered parents, to fight back against tooth decay, and maintain good, oral health.

8 Ways for Kids to Stay Cavity Free!

  1. Visit the dentist early – Baby Well Dental Visits – When should your child first visit the dentist? Usually by the time the first tooth appears or the 1st birthday! We try to create a fun, fear-free first visit for your kids because we know that it will a long way towards building a lifelong positive dental experience for your kids. Learn more about Baby Well Visits!
  2. Don’t skimp on dental hygiene. Days may get hectic, but make time for your kids’ teeth. Regularly brush & floss (sometimes with supervision) twice a day! Here are some helpful brushing tips!
  3. Join the Kids Cavity Free Club – Sometimes a little motivation (and bribery) can work wonders. Free gift cards are an excellent incentive to combat cavities. Every time your kid is declared ‘cavity free’ after their dental exam by our dentists they’ll be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.
  4. Beware of foods that promote cavities!
  5. Try Sealants – sealants are a thin coating painted on the chewing surface of the tooth to fill in any pits. School-age children (between 6-11) are nearly 3 times more likely to get molar cavities compared to kids with sealants.
  6. Incorporate foods and tips that help prevent cavities!
  7. Don’t miss routine dental exams – They’re just as important for toddlers, tweens and teens as they are for adults. Even before your kids’ permanent teeth arrive, it’s vital to take good care of your child’s baby teeth. Why? Because these teeth can affect the health of their permanent teeth. Schedule routine dental exams with your dentist!

Cavities don’t have to be a part of life. Helping your kids develop good dental hygiene is the best way to assist them in the on-going battle against tooth decay and cavities. And if your kid still needs a little more of incentive besides being cavity free, they can always enter their name every time they get a “Cavity Free” declaration at their next dental exam with us.

If it’s time for your child’s first visit, or you need to pre-schedule your kids dental check-ups for the year, please give us a call at (206) 524-1000 or request an appointment online!

P.S. Tip #8 – Visit the Kids Zone for more helpful info on kids’ dental needs!

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