What’s Changing During Your Teeth Cleaning Visit
Updates to Keep You Safe!

Teeth Cleaning Updates

Is it time for your teeth cleaning? If you haven’t been in for your teeth cleaning for a while because a particular pandemic got in the way of your cleaning, or you’re due for your 6 month cleaning, we’ve made quite a few updates to keep you and our hygienists safe and sound.

Teeth Cleaning UpdatesHere’s what to expect (and count on) when you come in for your dental hygiene appointment.

10 Updates for a Safer Teeth Cleaning Visit!

  1. You’ll be pre-screened – all patients are required to fill out a questionnaire before their appointment.
  2. When you arrive, we’ll take your temperature, and have you use some of our hand sanitizer.
  3. Is anyone coming with you? If someone accompanies you, we’re recommending that they wait outside our office.
  4. You will notice that everyone here is wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) – you might not see it, but the smiles are still there!
  5. While you’re waiting, we’ll take your oxygen level.
  6. We thoroughly disinfect each room. How? We use a fogger misting system, as well as a disinfecting misting spray —> Watch a video of Dr. Pickel demonstrating fogging!
  7. Before you sit in for your teeth cleaning, you’ll be asked to wash your hands and rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial (3% Peroxide) mouthwash.
  8. Every hygiene room has a high tech HEPA air filter, so that we can quickly and effectively dispatch airborne particles.
  9. It’s going to be quieter during your teeth cleaning – we’re limiting the use of ultrasonic cleaning tools to clean and polish your teeth to minimize aerosol spray. If these tools are required, we use a hands-free high-vac suction (Leaf) for the aerosols.
  10. If you require any x-rays, we disinfect the lead apron in our misting/fogging room.

We’ve made these changes to help minimize the chances of spreading coronavirus. What hasn’t changed? You can always count on our hygienists, dentists and staff to keep you safe throughout your visit. And you can count on us to provide you with the same excellent, and friendly, dental care you’re accustomed to receiving.

If you do need to schedule your teeth cleaning, or you have any other questions, please do call us at (206) 524-1000 or reach out to us online! We look forward to seeing you soon!

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